发布时间: 2021-05-27 浏览次数: 1938



















王军教授长期从事有机光电子材料与器件的研究教学工作,在国际一流期刊Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Organic Electronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry 发表研究论文40多篇。论文发表以来,共被引用1400多次。引用的期刊包括:Nature materials, Advanced materials, Physics Review letters 等材料、物理国际一流期刊。申请授权专利10多项,其中获得授权的美国专利3项。2008年国家863重大研究计划子课题支持,2011年获得教育部重点创新研究课题的资助。2010,2012年先后两次获得国家自然科学基金项目的持续支持。参加了国家高技术发展研究计划(863计划)、国家自然基金重点项目,以及省部级科科技发展计划等多项科研项目。2007年获得上海市科技启明星称号;2010年获得上海市曙光学者称号。2013福建新世纪人才闽江学者特聘教授。2014年获得福建省五四青年奖章。



1996.9-2000.7, 理学学士, 安徽大学  



1.     G. Wang, Dong. Li, X. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, and J. Wang*, “Antiambipolar, ambipolar, and unipolar charge transport in organic transistors based on a single vertical p-n heterointerface”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (2023) 7283.

2.      S. Chen, Y. Mao, G. Wang, H. Zhang, Y, Zhang, X. Chen, R. Gu, M. Zhao, J. Wang*,Molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors with enhanced charge-injection by inserting ultrathin pentacene layer under source/drain electrodes”, Vacuum 206 (2022) 111500.

3.      H. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Wang*, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, Y. Mao, Z. Hao, Z. Wang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhao, “Solvent-assisted exfoliation for high-quality molybdenum disulfide nanoflakes and relevant field-effect transistors” Journal of Materials Science, 57 (2022) 11215-11225.

4.       Y. Mao, S. Chen, G. Wang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Wang*,“Employing poly(4-Vinylpyridine) as the dielectrics for enhanced molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors” Phys. Status. Solidi A, (2022) 2100795.

5.       Y. ZhangX. Chen, H. Zhang, X. Wei, J. Wang*Facile Exfoliation for High-Quality Molybdenum Disulfide Nanoflakes and Relevant Field-Effect Transistors Developed With Thermal Treatment, Frontiers in Chemistry, 9 (2021) 650901.

6.       Y. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Zhang, X. Wei, J. Wang*, “Fermi-Level Pinning Mechanism inMoS2 Field-Effect Transistors Developed by Thermionic Emission Theory”, Appl. Sci, 10 (2020) 2754.

7.       Y. Zhang, X. Wei, H. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Wang*, “Ambipolar organic transistors with high on/off ratio by introducing a modified layer of gate insulator”, Applied surface science 427 (2018) 452.

8.       X. Cheng, X. Wei, H. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Highly improved charge injection in pentacene-based organic transistors by chemically doping with copper iodide interlayer”, Physica status solidi a 1700064 (2017).

9.      W. Gu, H. B. Liu, X. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Wang, “A novel single-stranded DNA detection method based on organic semiconductor heterojunction”, Solid-state Electronics, 126 (2016) 104.

10.     H. Gui, B. Wei, J. Wang*, “The hybridization and optimization of complementary DNA molecules on organic field-effect transistors” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 30 (2015) 250.

11.     X. Chen, H. Gui, B. Wei, J. Wang*, “A label-free biosensor based on organic transistors by using the interaction of mercapto DNA and gold electrodes, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 35 (2015) 127.

12.     H. Gui, B. Wei, J. Wang*, “Inserting a Mn-doped TiO2 layer for improving performance of pentacene organic thin-film transistors” Organic Electronics, 15 (2014) 3349.

13.     H. Gui, Z. Zhu, B. Wei, J. Wang*, “enhanced-mobility organic field-effect transistors fabricated under solvent vapor atmosphere” Nano, 9 (2014) 1450049

14.     Z. Zhu, B. Wei, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “A novel solution-base self-assembly approach to preparing ultralong titanyl phthalocyanine sub-micron wire” Chin. Phys. B. 23 (2014) 077202.

15.     H. Gui, B. Wei, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Improved charge injection of pentacene transistors by immobilizing DNA on gold source-drain electrodes” Applied Physics A 115 (2014) 759.

16.     Z. Zhu, B. Wei, and J. Wang*, “Self-assembly of poly (3-hexylthiophene) nanowire networks by a mixed-solvent approach for organic field-effect transistors” Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 3 (2014) 252. IF3.032 SCI 2 Q 2.

17.     W. Gu, Y. Hu, Z. Zhu, N. Liu, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Preparing highly ordered copper phthalocyanine thin-film by controlling the thickness of the modified layer and its application in organic transistors” Solid-state Electronics 89 (2013) 101.

18.     Y. Hu, W. Gu, N. Liu, Z. Zhu, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Fabricating organic transistors based on domain-ordered copper phthalocyanine film grown on oligothiophene epitaxial substrate” Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 1-4 (2013) IF3.032 SCI 2 Q 2.

19.     N. Liu, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, J. Cao, Y. Liu, J. Wang*, “A label-free organic transistors biosensors by introducing electric bias during DNA immobilization” Organic Electronics 13 2781 (2012).

20.     Q. Zhu, F. Xing, C. Liu, Y. Hu, N. Liu, and J. Wang*, “The immobilization and electrical response of single-stranded DNA molecules on pentacene transistors”, Applied Physics Letters 99 073301 (2011).

21.     C. Liu, Q. Zhu, W. Jin, W. Gu, J. Wang*, “The ultraviolet-ozone effects on organic thin-film transistors with double polymeric dielectric layers” Synthetic Metals 161 1635 (2011).

22.     X. Guo, F. Hong, W. Jin, W. Gu, H. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Ambipolar charge transport in organic p-p junction disclosed by field-effect transistor and diode”, Organic Electronics 11 876 (2010).

23.     C. Jin, H. Fei, X. Fei, G. Wen, G. Xin, W. Bin, Z. Jianhua, W. Jun*, “High performance n-channel organic thin-film transistors based on the dual effects of heterojunction and surface modification” Chinese Physics B 19 037106 (2010).

24.     X. Guo, F. Xing, F. Hong, J. Zhang, B. Wei, J. Wang*, “Improving organic field-effect transistors based on double active layers structure”, Current Applied Physics 10 89 (2010).

25.     W. Gu, W. Jin, B. Wei, J. Zhang, and J. Wang*, “High-performance organic field-effect transistors based on copper/copper sulphide bilayer source-drain electrodes” Applied Physics Letters 97 243303 (2010).

26.     W. Gu, X. Li, H. Zhang, B. Wei, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “The influences of substrate temperature on ambipolar organic heterojunction transistors”, Thin Solid Films 519, 439 (2010).

27.     F. Hong, F. Xing, W. Gu, W. Jin, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Depletion- and ambipolar-mode field-effect transistors based on the organic heterojunction composed of pentacene and hexadecafluorophtholocyaninatocopper”, Synthetic Metals 160, 475 (2010).

28.     F. Hong, X. Guo, H. Zhang, B. Wei, J. Zhang, J. Wang*, “Preparation of highly oriented copper phthalocyanine film by molecular templating effects for organic field-effect transistor” Organic Electronics 10, 1097 (2009).

29.     J. Wang, B. Wei, and J. Zhang, “Fabricating an organic complementary inverter by integrating two transistors on a single substrate” Semiconductor Sciences and Technology, 23, 055003 (2008).

30.     B. Wei, J. Wang*, C. Li, A. Shimada, M. Ichikawa, Y. Taniguchi, and T. Kamikawa, Organ. Electron. 9,323 (2008).

31.     J. Wang, H. B. Wang, X. J. Yan, H. C. Huang, D. Jin, J. W. Shi, Y. H. Tang and D. H. Yan, “Heterojunction Ambipolar Organic Transistors Fabricated by Two-Step Vacuum Deposition Process”, Advanced. Functional. Materials.(Full paper)16, 824 (2006).

32.     J. Wang, H. B. Wang, X. J. Yan, H. C. Huang, and D. H. Yan, “Organic Heterojunction and Its Application for Double Conducting Channel Organic Field-Effect Transistors”, Applied. Physics. Letters.87, 093507 (2005).

33.     J. Wang, X. J. Yan, Y. X. Xu, J Zhang, and D. H. Yan, “Organic Thin-Film Transistor Based Organic- Inorganic Double Gate Insulators”, Applied. Physics. Letters.85, 5424 (2004).

34.     J. Wang, H. B Wang, X. J. Yan, H. C. Huang, and D. H. Yan, “Air-Stable Ambipolar Organic Field-Effects Based on Phthalocyanine Composites Heterojunction”, Chemical. Physics. Letters.407, 97(2005).

35.     J. Wang, H. B Wang, J Zhang, X. J. Yan, and D. H. Yan, “Organic Thin-Film Transistors with Improved Characteristics Using Rare Earth Bisphthalocyanine As A Buffer Layer”, Journal of Applied Physics.97, 026106 (2005).

36.     H. Wang, J. Wang,X. J. Yan, H. K. Tian, Y. H. Geng, and Donghang, Yan, “ Ambipolar Organic Heterojunction Transistors with Air-Stable, High Mobility, and Balanced Charge Transportation”, Applied. Physics. Letters.88, 133508 (2006).

37.     H. Wang, J. Wang, H. C. Huang, X. Yan, D. Yan, “Organic heterojunction with reverse rectifying characteristics and its application in field-effect transistors”, Organic Electronics. 7, 369 (2006).

38.     X. J. Yan, J. Wang,H. B. Wang, H. Wang, and D. H. Yan, “Improved n-type organic transistors by introducing organic heterojunction buffer layer under source/drain electrodes”, applied. Physics. Letters.89, 053510 (2006).

39.     J. Zhang, H. B. Wang, X. J. Yan, J. Wang, J. W. Shi and D. H. Yan, “Phthalocyanine Composites as High Mobility Semiconductor for Organic Thin-Film Transistors”, Advanced. Materials. 17, 1197 (2005).

40.     H. Tian, J. Wang, J. Shi, D. Yan, L. Wang, G. Hou, and F. Wang, “Novel thiophene-aryl co-oligomers for organic thin film transistors”, Journal of Materials Chemistry. 15, 3026 (2005).

41.     J. Zhang, F. Lu, H. Huang, J. Wang, J. Jiang, D. Yan, Z. Wang, “Near infrared electrochromism of lutetium phthalocyanine”, Synthetic Metals 148, 123 (2005).

42.     J. Yuan, J. Zhang, J. Wang, D. Yan, W. Xu, “Study on the instability of organic field-effect transistors based on fluorinated copper phthalocyanine” Thin Solid Films 450, 316 (2004).

43.     J. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Wang, and D. Yan, “Organic thin-film transistors in sandwich configuration”, Applied Physics Letters 84, 142 (2004).



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