Zongwei Xu
徐宗玮 讲师
School of Sciences
Shanghai Institute of Technology
100 Haiquan Road
Shanghai, 201418, P.R. China
Office: Room 220, #4 Subject Building
Email: zwxu@sit.edu.cn
Dept. of Math Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ 2009-2013
Ph.D School of Math. Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. 2013-2019
Working Experience
Lecturer, School of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Technology 08/2019-present
Current Teaching
B1221031 高等数学(工)1
1906858教学班: 周一14:55-16:30 C102 周二13:00-14:35 B103 周五8:20-9:55 C104
1908968教学班: 周一18:00-20:25 A103 周三18:00-20:25 C201
Research Area
Mathematical Physics (Soliton Theory and Integrable Systems)
Research Interests
Integrable systems, Hirota methods
Integrable discretization of nonlinear integrable systems and numerical simulation
1. Jia-Liang Ji, Zong-wei Xu, Zuo-nong Zhu. Nonintegrable spatial discrete nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation[J]. Chaos, 2019, 29: 103129.
2. Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu, Zuo-nong Zhu. Bright–dark soliton solutions of the multi-component AB system[J]. Wave Motion, 2018, 83: 134-147.
3. Liyuan Ma, Jialiang Ji, Zong-wei Xu, et al. Solitary wave for a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation in nonlinear optical waveguide arrays[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2018, 27(3): 030201.
4. Guo-fu Yu, Zong-wei Xu, Juan Hu, et al. Bright and dark soliton solutions to the AB system and its multi-component generalization[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2017, 47: 178-189.
5. Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu, Zuo-nong Zhu. Soliton dynamics to the multi-component complex coupled integrable dispersionless equation[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 40: 28-43.
6. Juan Hu, Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu. Determinant structure for the (2+ 1)-dimensional dispersive long wave system[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2016, 62: 76-83.
7. Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu, Zhao H Q. Dynamics of a coupled modified (1+1)‐dimensional Toda equation of BKP type[J]. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2016, 39(2): 328-339.
8. Guo-fu Yu, Zong-wei Xu. Dynamics of a differential-difference integrable (2+ 1)-dimensional system[J]. Physical Review E, 2015, 91(6): 062902.
9. Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu. Pfaffian representation of solutions to a coupled (2+ 1)-dimensional system[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2014, 33: 46-56.
10. Zong-wei Xu, Guo-fu Yu. Soliton solutions to an integrable coupled differential–difference equation[J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2014, 28: 20-24.